26 November 2007

why or why not

why i love my profession
  1. ?
  2. ??
  3. ???
why i hate my profession
  1. most of the famous icons are egomaniacal assholes who don't care a whit about the rest of the world.
  2. most of the clients are egomaniacal assholes with too much money and too little taste. and they don't care a whit about the rest of the world.
  3. sooner or later, you end up becoming an egomaniacal asshole simply by association. or at least, your moral standards progressively decline.
  4. you spend innumerable hours chasing deadlines, whereby at some point everything becomes moot and academic because you have to revise drawings one million times before anything gets built.
  5. i have never been comfortable with the work involved. in fact, i suck at it.
why i tolerate the shit involved in my job
  1. it involves pretty things. looking at good design is always uplifting.
  2. once in a while, you get a chance to do something interesting or exciting.
  3. it pays the bills and gives me something to do.
i think the conclusion is quite clear. and yet, somehow, i can't seem to let go.

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