01 January 2007

things i've learned in 2006

  1. being away from home makes you realise just how much a product of your parents you really are. even when you don't want to admit it.
  2. choose your flatmates carefully.
  3. sometimes you can't make it on your own. but a lot of times, you can.
  4. be careful whose advice you heed. if the person giving advice doesn't understand where you're coming from or how you live, then his opinion isn't worth your time. especially if he doesn't make the effort to recognise your differences.
  5. people disappoint. accept it, live with it, move on.
  6. no matter how hard you try, you're going to lose some friends along the way.
  7. pay attention to your dreams. they can be scaringly accurate.
  8. some people don't understand love, and there is nothing you can do to change that. not even when you love them beyond reason.
  9. there will always be regrets. the best you can do is learn from them.
  10. don't expect to get the credit you deserve. but don't let other people convince you you're not good enough, either. you know yourself better than they do.

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